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Suicidal Wanjiku: How to Save Me From Myself.

Suicidal Wanjiku: How to Save Me From Myself.

Suicidal Wanjiku: How to Save Me From Myself.

Suicidal Wanjiku: How to Save Me From Myself.

Antony Murumba

Elections in Kenya are tense affair. Tense, yet somewhat entertaining. Social Media is always a buzz over the many roadside declarations and insults made by the goons seeking a chance to ‘serve’ the people. Traditional media outlets on the other hand, are out to report on the latest deal sharing agreements made by the said […]

Affordable housing in kenya

Housing Fund Levy is not about houses

Clarence Eboso

I philosophically disagree that gov has liberal discretion to determine how my after-tax money is invested, appropriating the funds for its sovereign functions

image of tree at sunset

Why the 2000s were so good

Bill Muriuki

One of the less talked about effects of the rise of the Trans Atlantic trade in the 16th century was how it decimated internal African trade. Walter Rodney in ‘How Europe underdeveloped Africa’ brilliantly articulates a gradual shift from substantial trade between communities to internal African economies being reshaped to focus on goods (including human […]

history of kenyan government

The African Elite

Bill Muriuki

Kenya was colonised for 78 years. Initially, colonisation was done through a private company, but when the company faltered—failing even to complete the construction of the road from Mombasa to Kisumu, let alone the railway—the British government stepped in. The East African Protectorate was established for a duration of 25 years, which then paved the […]

President Nnamdi Azikiwe of Nigeria

Wave after wave

Bill Muriuki

Is it not intriguing that despite diverse histories of oppression, uncoordinated nationalist struggles, and different colonisers, more than half of all African countries achieved independence within a brief 5-year period spanning from 1960 to 1964? Certainly, unless one places faith in significant coincidences, there must be broader structural explanations, transcending the liberation struggles of any […]

map of africa with the text "africa is not a country"

Africa is a country

Bill Muriuki

Examining the historical trends of economic growth in Kenya reveals that our most prosperous decades were the initial one (1963 – 1973) and the period from 2003 to 2013. Interestingly, an exactly similar pattern emerges when assessing the economic growth of numerous African nations. They are also characterised by substantial growth rates during the 1960s […]

Julius Nyerere

TANU’s socialist manifesto by Julius Nyerere

Clarence Eboso

This fact should always be borne in mind, for there are various forms of exploitation. We must not forget that people who live in towns can possibly become the exploiters of those who live in the rural areas. All our big hospitals are in towns, and they benefit only a small section of the people […]

Conjoined twins Abby and Bbrittany

Living as a conjoined twin

Clarence Eboso

From a jurisprudence scholar’s perspective, I wonder whether it is in the best interest of the two children to separate them if their parents desire so.

Ngugi wa Thiong'o

Contradictions don’t exist: The story of Ngugi wa Thiong’o

Clarence Eboso

I must agree that little reading is worse than not reading at all. Especially when that fact is not disclosed. The article is everything but the doom-and-gloom.

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